Home > A shares vs. C shares ???????

A shares vs. C shares ???????

June 17th, 2007 at 04:34 am

My alergic to numbers brain cells are having a meltdown this week end. Trying to keep up with mom & her banking/investment business, the meetings where people are explaining stuff to her (and to me) are making smoke come out my ears! I truly do think I have a learning disability when it comes to math. Is that possible???

I was with mom when she decided to take half of an account in an anuity fund and buy bonds with it, thus the A shares. Then, another of her investment people called and said......No, you shouldn't do A shares....let me come explain why. He touts C shares & told mom to call the bank and "bust the deal". Now, doesn't that just sound like something my 85 year old mother is going to do??? Well, she made the phone call, but had to leave a message on voice mail. Monday should be show down day between the two firms......with my mom in the middle and me just barely being able to follow the action.

I'm not the one to be giving mom advice, she has done just fine on her own over the decades, but I do believe I side with the C share guy.

Besides the money dilema here, we have had a great week end. The electrician has begun work on the rental house, we have purchased all the new fixtures & can see inside now. We sent the potential tenant our version of what we can and can't do. (thank you to all who have been brainstorming with me on this one) We are going to: go with the 2 year lease, give 2 months free rent for his labor & materials on the work list and we are paying for the electrical. We aren't going to: put a 10% cap on an increase after 2 years and we aren't going to give him reduced rent after 2 months of no rent. We are not going to allow him to sublet the space to other professionals to share the office, without renegotiating the lease, which would mean they would be paying for this house at commercial rates, by the square foot.
I'm expecting we have just ended the negotiations with this gentleman, but he could surprise me. We are OK with it if he decides we're too expensive. I think the property can pull in twice what we were asking. It has set vacant since Oct of last year, there is no mortage on it, just taxes, so mom is fine with continuing the search.

Have my week end young man with us this week. We packed picnic lunches and took off for a local beach park today. Very nice day. Sold a book on Amazon and got the funds for a Pinecone survey. Not a bad way to finish off the day.

5 Responses to “A shares vs. C shares ???????”

  1. Nic Says:

    Does the "C" shares guy have a PERSONAL interest in the "C" shares company? I'd find out. Too many of these so called "financial planners" have their hands in the till and get commissions off of touting certain investments.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I agree with Nic.

  3. baselle Says:

    Don't assume that because you don't understand an explanation, something is wrong. If a financial move can't be explained easily, it means that at best the guy didn't do a good job explaining it and at worst, the guy's a fraud. Unless you really lock yourself in for years with doing the A shares, a guy telling you to bust the deal sounds very, very bad.

  4. Nena V Says:

    C Shares don't make any sense. They don't have a sales charge like B or A shares however they have continuously higher fees.
    If it was you making the decision I'd say go with the B shares where you pay the sales charge over time then the funds get converted into A shares.
    For your mother go with the A shares pay the sales charge upfront and be done with it.
    However, keep track of your investments because its a rare day to find an advisor that will keep track for you.

  5. MTJ Says:

    The question you need to answer is your time frame and the ammount being invested. If the ammount is a larger ammount and you qualify for a breakpoint on the front end sales charge and the investment is meant to be for a longer term then usuaully A shares are better. If it is a lower ammount with a shorter time horizon then C shares are better, but remember the basic rule is that after 5 years C shares usually become more expensive compared to A shares.

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