Home > Purple Socks & Other Ramblings

Purple Socks & Other Ramblings

June 10th, 2007 at 03:43 am

I'm finishing up another pair of socks, just about ready to come off the needles. I had mom 'model' these and after I bound off, I gave them to her.
She was thrilled, as purple is her color.

I've already started another sock, or a sample for a sock, to be more exact. I'm teaching a sock knitting class this fall & want to find a childs sock pattern to use for class. Less knitting time required and all the parts of a sock included. Great for a 2 session class.

Had another freecycle sort of day; headed out this AM to dig a box full of hen & chicks (plants for those of you non gardener types). I've got just the rockery for all of these.

Also had a craigs lister here for the trees that were in my proposed walkway to the clothesline. Trees out, I didn't have to dig and the new owner already sent a thank you note. Can't beat that for a days work!

Also have a freecycler coming tomorrow for a couple cribs and preschooler type toys & furniture. Making very slow headway on the basement clear out here. It's hard for mom to decide to get rid of ANYTHING!

A no spend day all round here. Missed connections to meet with potential renter, so no income either!

Heading to bed early, as tomorrow is my gleaning/food bank volunteer morning. Not sure how much longer I want to do this. After moving, I need to start out at 7AM and I'm already resenting that!

4 Responses to “Purple Socks & Other Ramblings”

  1. pjmama Says:

    Your socks are cute! I crochet, and not too well, mind you, but well enough! I've wanted to get a pattern for socks, but as a novice, I dont really follow patterns well. BF's gram loved the scarf I made for her for christmas though! No pattern, but turned out well and good.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    The socks are sooo cute! Love the color!
    Glad to hear you are getting rid of so much too! You are good at that!

  3. Carolina Bound Says:

    I'm so impressed by people who are good at knitting. I hate knitting!

  4. daybyday Says:

    The socks look great!

    Good job clearing things out too. Smile

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