I'm a firm believer in that......if I want to save money, I need to be willing to work hard. Neither one being my favorite word!!
Today was a good example. I could have hired someone to do the patio cleaning event. Or, I could have saved some money renting a pressure washer..... But, we did this ourselves with almost no cost.
Mom had bought a gallon of some sort of plant friendly cleaner, that was supposed to work magic. I brought my extreme nozzle for the hose and we got out a couple old push brooms. With a couple applications of the cleaner, some good exercise on the end of both brooms....we now have an almost new looking 40 year old patio.
So, work and time ........and a great job done for very little expense.
Cheaper Equals .............Hard Work
May 22nd, 2007 at 05:21 am
May 22nd, 2007 at 04:07 pm 1179846433
May 22nd, 2007 at 07:28 pm 1179858525
Great job on saving the money!
May 22nd, 2007 at 07:51 pm 1179859880