Home > Mystery Shopping: Continued.....

Mystery Shopping: Continued.....

May 18th, 2007 at 01:26 am

I've had a few inquiries re; what exactly Mystery shopping here goes with my teensy bit of experience....

So far, I've visited an assisted living center and gone out to dinner. Each one had a survey I could view on line prior to visiting the I knew what types of info I needed to look for.

After completion, I fill out a form on line and fax in either a business card or a receipt. Pretty easy stuff.

I do think this is easier if a person is observant by nature, and likes to try new things rather than being a creature of habit.

Naturally, both of my "shops" were odd, in that the forms I had to fill out didn't even get close to including the situations I encountered.... Smile The first one, they called me to have me further explain myself!

I've got another "shop" scheduled for next week, mom & I are doing lunch at what is truly moms favorite local restaurant. Her fav & paid for too. For 15 minutes or so of online work, I would say it's a good deal for us. Mom enjoyed last nights survey almost more than dinner. She was an eagle eye when it came to the details. Wore a watch with a second hand, so she could accurately time the arrival of the food/beverages, etc. Smile

I'll keep posting as I get a little further along with this new hobby! So far, I would have to say it's worth it to me.

5 Responses to “Mystery Shopping: Continued.....”

  1. Amber Says:

    I have inquired about mystery shopping but did not want to pay the fees to establish an so called business. But I only thought of it as grocery stores, clothing stores etc never a nursing home

  2. kimiko Says:


    Don't ever pay to shop, that's a scam. Go to for the list of all Mystery Shopping companies that you can sign up and shop for.

  3. contrary1 Says:

    I agree.......some I looked at had scam written all over them. Pay no fees to start up, receive materials, anything.

    I received a referral from a friend, so I had some inside info re; this company. Wasn't heading in blind.

  4. boomeyers Says:

    Cool! Sounds like fun! Be paid to go out and eat!

  5. Fern Says:

    It sounds like fun.

    Years ago i had a freelance job writing restaurant reviews for a local publication that has since gone out of business, but for several years, i wrote reviews of restaurants of my choosing, and the stipend they paid me usually covered most of the tab for me and a friend.

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