Home > Calfvision: Free Entertainment

Calfvision: Free Entertainment

April 12th, 2007 at 03:37 am

I've been keeping a close eye on the neighbors pregnant cow, checking the window facing her pasture every time I go past...

This afternoon, I could tell (even with my limited cow experience) that she was standing odd... Best description I could come up with. Looked a little closer and there was a teensy little pile of brown calf on the ground. Not moving yet even.....I must have missed the birth by minutes.

I just pulled the couch around and decided to plug into the local calfvision channel. It didn't take long before I realized there was going to be another calf. And, I got to watch it being born. Sat there for what seemed like ages, watched both calves practicing using all 4 legs at once. So cute. When I finally decided to get back to work, both new little additions had figured out how to walk a few steps and where dinner was located.

Way better than television and totally free. I didn't have watch a calf being born on my life list........but if I did, I could cross it off now!

4 Responses to “Calfvision: Free Entertainment”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Well how cool is that! And once again, you could take the time to watch it happen! Awesome! I wonder how common twins are in cows?

  2. Ima saver Says:

    That is neat!!

  3. Sunshine Suz Says:

    Wow, you have very cool channels.

    I usally watch dogvision...sometimes pre-empted by a bird and butterfly special. Oh, and every evening, my favorite, "As the Sun Sets"!

    Have fun watching the little ones grow up. I bet they will bring you lots of smiles.

  4. baselle Says:

    Twins in cows are a lot like twins in humans - rare but not unusual.

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