Home > Easter: My Version

Easter: My Version

April 9th, 2007 at 12:21 am

Easter took on an added meaning 6 years ago, when my dad died on Good Friday. Even if the date doesn't jive each year.......on Easter week end, I'm all about doing something pertaining to Dad.

This year, a project was, make that 'screaming' for attention. Dad had been given a house as a young man, and it has been vacant since Halloween. I picked up my mom this AM, and her lawn mower and assorted tools and off we went to Dad's house. What a disaster it was. This is the place that put the BIG dog in the little yard and let it tear the place up.

I mowed for what seemed like a couple hours, then mixed up a serious batch of Round Up and sprayed everything that was growing where it should not have been growing.
I took a lawn chair for mom, and she did a fair job of sitting down....with occasional spurts of clipping and pruning something spliced in.

I had even remembered my camera & got some shots from the street to post with the upcoming rental ads (HAVE to do something to the inside walls and electrical system prior to renting).

We're exhausted, but feel like it was a day well spent. I prefer doing something like this, rather than making a trip to the cemetery.... We had a chance to visit about Dad all day, didn't have to cook a company sized dinner and got some great sunshine & exercise too. A pretty good combination! (and no money spent either)

3 Responses to “Easter: My Version”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    From everything you have said about your dad, he sounds like he was a great guy! You did a great thing honoring him today by fixing the house up AND you got to spend some time with your mom! Sounds like a GREAT day! Smile

  2. fairy74 Says:

    good for you finding a special way to honor your dad, I'm sure it did your mom good as well Smile

  3. homebody Says:

    My father died on Thanksgiving and it was also his 78th birthday in 2003. Same way with me, date does not always jive, but Thanksgiving has a whole new meaning to us now.

    Sounds like you had a really good day with your mom.

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