Again, it snowed this week (Monday) and now we have a record breaking day for the Seattle area??? Gorgeous & lovely to work outside in, but it is just odd. Taking advantage of the weather & have clothes on the line.
I'm still dividing and cleaning out the strawberry beds.....too many necessary breaks when it is over 75 here. I'm hoping to save up some energy and tackle the project again after sundown. I'm sharing with 7 freecyclers now.........maybe more, depending on how many plants are hidden among the weeds. The chickens are thrilled with the new gardening schedule, as they eat the 5 gallon buckets of weeds as fast as I can pull them and haul them to the coop. Feels very thrifty turning weeds into eggs for breakfast!!
My week end young man is here for just 2 days, due to the Easter holiday. Seems peculiar having someone here after being gone so long....and this one only comes 2 week ends a month anyway. But, this will mean a paycheck from this source for April, which will be nice.
I started advertising the vacant room, as well as the parking spaces out back. No bites yet, but did get one on my moms apartment (which I also listed).
Walked again this AM, with my walking buddy.........we didn't go as far as usual since we're both just getting back to this after taking our 2 weeks off. How out of shape can one get in 2 weeks??? Apparently, quite a bit.......Sad really!
But, it is one more item on my 2007 goals list......doing things for me, so it always feels good to do it regardless of the collection of aches & pains.
A no spending day most of the days. I wish I was more organized & could figure out a system where I would keep track of these. I have started several, then around the 2nd week of the month I realize I have no idea. I should challenge myself to do a no spending month some day....other than necessary utilities & house payments of course.
Record Breaking Heat.......... In Seattle???
April 7th, 2007 at 01:42 am
April 7th, 2007 at 04:10 pm 1175958611