Home > I Can't Garden in This!!!

I Can't Garden in This!!!

April 3rd, 2007 at 03:28 am

No gardening for me today..........I was planning on planting the seeds I soaked overnight, but when I woke up, this was what I saw April no less. Some sort of delayed BAD April Fool's Joke it seems!

I re did my to do list and left off all outdoor activities. Lit the wood stove and pretended it was winter all over again.

I did make progress in the garden yesterday, so much so that I was VERY sore this morning. All my bending, reaching and lifting muscles were complaining to me this AM....

The rhubarb bed is all cleaned out and fed; and I do believe there will be rhubarb ready to pick in a week or so.

First crop of lettuce seeded, as well as pumpkin and cucumber seeds indoors.

Hard to decide whether to really get in the gardening mode.........or haul firewood for the stove a few more weeks???

6 Responses to “I Can't Garden in This!!!”

  1. Lux Living Frugalis Says:

    Wow - that would not be welcome but I hear my weatherman saying we may have some of the same here!

    Beautiful picture by the way!!

  2. Bookie Says:

    That's a great photo. Definitely worth a thousand words.

    I'm shifting from winter to summer clothes this week. That guarantees next week will be miserable.


  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    It snowed here, too today but its gone now. For good I hope. I mean come on, April for pete's sake!

  4. Ima saver Says:

    wow, what a shock!

  5. debtfreeme Says:

    oh the tulips are lovely! They are my favorite flowers!

  6. daylily Says:

    No snow here in the midwest but we've had so much rain that it is impossible to play in the dirt... I mean mud.

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