I've been working...........and driving.....and driving some more. I'm not even calling the last 2 weeks a vacation any more.
I knew it was going to be a labor of love sort of event before I left, but I had no idea the physical condition of my passengers (other than my own mother.....)
We left 2 weeks ago, to drive to Palm Desert, CA......from the Seattle, WA area. Me, the designated driver and my mom, plus her twin and their older sister. That made two 84 year olds & one 86 year old plus me.
What a trip. Not bad on the way down....not even too bad at our destination.....but the trip home seemed endless at times. By then, the sisters were getting just a touch cranky with each other.
I did keep them talking almost the whole time; everything they could remember from being kids to when they were raising their families. Very fun, interesting and most often VERY frugal type stories. I can see where I got most of my frugal training from!
Most of the scheduled stops were gambling related; all 3 of them love to gamble. Only 1 came out ahead, the other 2 just didn't have the right 'feeling', so didn't do much. No one lost their shirt.
It was so interesting to be with the 3 of them as they dealt with the finances of a shared trip like this. They had appointed one to pre pay the hotels (my mom) and then they will split that cost when they meet up again this coming month to handle the money. The meals were shared and 2 were in charge of keeping those records...again, this will be split up when they meet. Gas had a 'treasurer' of sorts too....and again it will be divided up. We didn't go without......but we sure were looking for bargains. All 3 of these ladies are living more than comfortably these days........not one of them has ever had a mortgage and they are all living in huge, view homes that were custom built.
But, there we were .....most times asking for an extra plate so meals could be divided at least 2 ways! All the hotel rooms we booked had to feature a complimentary continental breakfast too!
So interesting to observe their different habits concerning money & finances.
We had many fun times, a couple brief health scares and one awful moment when my mom realized she had misplaced her wallet. (I tracked it down at a hotel....they overnighted it to our next destination, all the money & ID intact....needless to say, there is a thank you going out to a certain pair of maids this week)
I came home, very grateful I have the best mom out of the 3 sisters. Mom came home determined not to take that long of a trip with the other 2 ever again. The other 2 decided they really aren't up to this kind of travel any longer & are only going to go on short trips, in our own state.
So, much was learned.........some fun was had.........I got lots of socks knit while waiting for them to get the gambling bug out of their systems and we all made it home in good shape.
Will I do it again? Yes. But, I'll make all the arrangements myself next time, so I can be assured of things like easy access, etc.
Oh, and MY finances??? I didn't spend a cent. I'm pretty sure my mom (and the other 2 either) won't let me pay my share of the expenses. They were pretty thrilled about not having to drive at all....and having door to door service.....along with a couple other percs like getting their hair done every day, that I think I'm going to make money when all is said and done.
Glad to be home........love my own bed & pillow.....and tons of changes to the ranch in my absence. Must get to work!!!
What I Did on My Spring Vacation..........
March 28th, 2007 at 10:52 pm
March 28th, 2007 at 11:42 pm 1175125358
March 29th, 2007 at 12:20 am 1175127646
They let me do all the arrangements and probably 80% of the driving. They drove the boring interstate stuff and let me have all the fun sight-seeing wise. I loved the trip.
Talk about frugal though, we actually walked out of a restruant because they could not eat for under $4.00. I think we had Denny's about 80% of the time so they could use the senior menu. I still do not want to eat at Denny's and we took the trip in 2002.
I loved the stories, what a wonderful time was had by all.
March 29th, 2007 at 12:28 am 1175128125
homebody: Definately a trip of a lifetime. I was honored to be asked to join them, but I'm equally thrilled to be home!
March 29th, 2007 at 02:06 am 1175133980
It reminds me of a couple years ago when my DH and I took his parents back to England (the place where they met and married).
It was so fun to hear the stories from 50+ years ago.
March 29th, 2007 at 02:55 am 1175136903
March 29th, 2007 at 03:34 am 1175139253
March 29th, 2007 at 03:34 am 1175139264
That sounds like a trip of a lifetime. What great memories you made! Sounds like having you along was a huge plus to all involved. Happy to see they will "pay" you for your time!
March 29th, 2007 at 01:57 pm 1175176659
March 29th, 2007 at 04:45 pm 1175186716
March 30th, 2007 at 04:49 am 1175230189