Home > I'm Running Out of Week.....ACK!!!!

I'm Running Out of Week.....ACK!!!!

March 7th, 2007 at 03:04 pm

I put WAY too many things on my schedule for this week. WAY, WAY too many. At the rate I'm going, I won't be ready to leave on "The Trip" until next Sat, and the leave town day is this Sat.

If it weren't enough that I have the huge sewing project (the trade for CL fabric)which I misjudged how much time I would have in the first place.... I added in some freecycle items; both Want & Offer. And, to top it off the book sales on Amazon are still chugging along, with another sale this AM. (so add in a post office run too, in my spare time)

And, yes, there is that packing deal too...I am doing laundry now in preparation for aiming to pack tomorrow.

I have not ditched the walking plan during my current scheduling snafoo (0r, is that snafuu??) My new friend & I are up to 3 miles a walk (it does take us an entire hour to do that, so we're not burning up the trail yet!) Heading out again this AM, hoping it does that magic thing & clear up my head so the rest of my day is turbo charged and twice as productive. One can hope??

No spending today.......other than gas to get to the trailhead. And, saving money by picking up a van load of FREE, day old bread from the local gleaning group. The chickens have gone frugal too, no more commercial feed for them.

3 Responses to “I'm Running Out of Week.....ACK!!!!”

  1. Aleta Says:

    If you go to, she has something that you can download about getting ready for your vacation. She takes you from lets say a month up to the last minute. It is incisive. There are many things that we don't think of and leave home and forget. She gives you a checklist. It's really quite detailed.

    Just take it easy. I'm like you. I tend to have too many things going at one time instead of focusing on one at a time. A list usually helps me out of that. I'll make a list of 10 items for a day and will choose 3 that I have to do and then on the next day, I will copy the remaining undone chores and list them again. Have a great time on your vacation and just EXHALE a little bit and relax.

  2. Fern Says:

    My sister has chickens that lay pale green eggs, very pretty. It's the breed, not the diet.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    In my blog, I mentioned that I dreamed about you last night!

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