Home > It Used to Look Like Spring

It Used to Look Like Spring

March 2nd, 2007 at 09:28 pm

I had just taken pics here of bunches of my bulbs coming up..........some even showing color and a few brave ones blooming away...

And, then.....this week: More Snow. Lots of it. We're back in the frozen tundra sort of look and the bulbs are nowhere to be found.

To top it off, I had purchased some veggie starts last weekend in a first of the season garden center visit. Now, they are nestled up on a table I pulled in front of a window: INSIDE. No idea when I can get them into the ground!

Spring: Where did you go???

3 Responses to “It Used to Look Like Spring”

  1. denisentexas Says:

    Both of those are beautiful photos! Yep, they show the real contrast, don't they? I enjoy looking at pictures like that. I hope spring doesn't delay too long for you. Smile

  2. littlegopher Says:

    Oh, I know what you mean! We were running around here in MN in spring jackets and the snow was all but gone. Then the blizzard came - arrgg! Well, it's March and the snow won't be here forever, right?!

  3. Nic Says:

    same thing here in SW Utah. ..sun,sun,sun then a huge snow storm.

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