My knitting student cancelled today, giving me a free day what am I going to do???
One of my queries on Craigs list responded with a all wood armoire, for $ I'm headed to town to pick it up! I had passed on finishing up the furniture plan for my room when I quit work......but this is too good to not do. I'll paint it to match the rest of the pieces I've had since I was 16. Yes, that isn't a typo.........I was given a gorgeous set of furniture when I was at home & I still love it. Pays to get good stuff the first time!!
No replies on the bathtub search yet... Crossing fingers something cheap turns up. I AM going to finish up this room and have it the way I want.........I'm NOT going to spend a ton of money to get it that way!
Off on my treasure hunt........aiming to get back home before our new winter storm arrives. (I didn't put the generator's sitting at the ready, and we've stored WAY more water for flushing this time too!)
A Change In Plans
January 9th, 2007 at 07:10 pm