Home > Furnace Decision Time

Furnace Decision Time

November 4th, 2006 at 06:14 am

Furnace Repair Person #2 was here today, and has complicated the issue considerably. We have a heat pump, and there is apparently no way to resurect the furnace part of it at all. The bill to put in the new heat pump would be at least $5,000. Yikes. Not leaning that way at this point......... The bill for the service call $139.00.

He did show me a trick or two with the back up furnace we do have......and it IS working (no idea who did what to make it hasn't worked for a year), but was only here to be the back up to the heat pump.... But, I can use it to circulate the heat from the wood stove, and the gas fireplace. So, with those tricks, I think I'm going to tough it out this winter again..... (It helped that it was over 50 degrees here today too!)

The rest of the day was spent just relaxing and knitting. Enjoyed spending some time alone, as this week end is going to be another full house event. Finished Sock #1 and am 1/3rd into the second sock.

The young couple is moving out today & tomorrow....... Even tho they weren't ideal for our household, they did manage to buy a car that runs, each get 2 jobs and have an apt to move into. All in 30 days. Not bad progress, considering they were in tent city from June until just this past month. Wishing them well.

The returning couple will be here to paint their room this week end.........anxious to get back to this crazy place! They will be paying rent, in addition to pooling our resources towards the food budget. I think we can each benefit the other re; finances.

No new goals for Nov.......just more of the same. Holding the line on any spending, being creative re; gift giving.....telling everyone about the sewing and knitting business and continuing with all advertising. All feeling very routine at this point...not boring, just routine.

2 Responses to “Furnace Decision Time”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    My husband is a builder and we never reccommend a heat pump. He has put in two, both customers later changed their minds and went to propane (gas heat) That is all we put in our houses. Good luck!

  2. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I am with Julie on this one. The wood stove can get you through when you are in a pinch! I hope it all works out for you! Just holding the line is better than falling back! Keep up the good work we are all pulling for you!Smile

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