I don't know about the rest of you, but I've learned to always get at least 3 bids for major purchases. (and being a home owner....it seems like I'm always either researching, getting bids or having some job done around here)
Well........I finally got motivated to call around for furnace bids. (could be the 21 degree temps around here yesterday) And, was I ever surprised. No, not by the cost of a furnace.........although I'm sure it's going to be pricey.
I couldn't get a bid on a furnace to save my soul. Actually couldn't even talk to anyone about one. I didn't get past the front desk & I really tried. Everyone I talked to charged a trip fee to come talk to me about selling me their furnace. Granted, if I bought a furnace, their trip fee would go against the total........but it goes against my grain to pay for this. And, it makes me not want to get 3 bids.
Since I've never bought a furnace before, I'm in the totally stupid phase of this project. And, getting info seems to be harder than I could imagine. I have a bit of time today to spend banging my head against this difficulty one more time.
I suppose the cost of the 3 bids might be outweighed by actually having 3 bids and choosing the least expensive option. If I just went with one company, who knows if it is the frugal choice, or the priciest one?? The whole thing goes against my grain........and what I've been taught over the years. Get 3 bids, compare/contrast, etc, then make an informed decision.
How in the world do I learn about furnaces? At this point, if I find a company that isn't going to charge me to tell me how much a furnace would cost.......I'm ready to write them a check!
In the meantime, bundling up here and keeping the wood stove a'goin!
A Life Rule Challenged
November 1st, 2006 at 03:15 pm
November 1st, 2006 at 04:13 pm 1162397632
I also just recently had my oven fixed and everybody I called wanted to charge me an estimate fee over and above what it was actually going to cost me. So I had the oven fixed and the total came to $250.00 and $70.00 of that was for travel fee and estimate fee. Give me a break. But, what do you do, I needed an oven and my stove is only 7 year old.
Maybe, go back to school and become an electrician/appliance repair/replacement gal. Sheesh.
November 1st, 2006 at 05:35 pm 1162402524
November 1st, 2006 at 05:57 pm 1162403863
Also, given all the other work you've had done, hasn't their been one contractor that you've found to be honest, trustworthy, etc., where you would trust that his quote would be fair, even if it's the only one you received? Or if he can't install it himself, maybe he could at least tell you what to look for?
I don't envy you here...
btw, how about an update on the chicks in one of your upcoming posts?
November 1st, 2006 at 07:30 pm 1162409457
Can you just have a service call and then when they get there and it's defunct then let them bid out the job?
November 1st, 2006 at 08:45 pm 1162413946
November 2nd, 2006 at 01:47 am 1162432029
November 2nd, 2006 at 05:15 am 1162444501