Home > Escaping for a few...........

Escaping for a few...........

October 25th, 2006 at 07:11 pm

Heading to moms after teaching another private knitting class this afternoon.

Needing a bit of time alone (which is totally impossible here at the 'ranch') and mom has a TO DO list too. I'll get both needs met at once, plus get in some great visit time out to dinner event and hopefully a haircut.

Leaving a note to the young couple, asking them to move on.........They aren't working out, they aren't working at all is the bottom line. The previous couple has found a way out of their lease, and have asked to come back. (this is the couple that cooks, cleans, does chores and is so much fun to have around..........also the massage person!!) They are willing to pay the going rate for rent we should all win on this one. (I told them not to move out in the first place!)

Spending a ton of money today.......transferring dollars to the checking account to cover the 2nd half of property taxes. Days like this, one questions owning properties.

1 Responses to “Escaping for a few...........”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I hope you get your good tenants back!Wink

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