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Collecting House Painting Bids

September 22nd, 2006 at 04:01 pm

I met with my first potential house painter person last night.......before leaving for work; and I didn't faint, didn't even gasp.
In fact, I had to bite my tongue so I didn't just give him the job right then. His bid is WAY less than I was expecting(but then, I have no idea what I was expecting, since it has been decades since I had a house that needed painting).

$1700 for the whole place, including washing, all the paint and my outbuildings. I think that sounds like a bargain; since it would take me forever to do it myself....and truly, I'm pretty sure it would never get done, as the first step is definately ladder type work & that's not me these days.

Another person supposedly this AM, with another this evening. I called 5, and have appointments with these 3 already. Maybe I can get a decision made prior to leaving town on Sunday? We've only got a few weeks window here to get this project fit in before it will be icky, wet, cold, typical Seattle weather I need to be quick.

The house is so awful, there really is nowhere to go but I'm not too worried about the job. I will want to know what brand of paint is used, and how the surfaces are prepared, but that's about the most I need I think as far as info goes. I am getting very excited about this...... Can't tell you how bad this color makes me feel here. Anxious to get it done prior to starting off Year #2 at this place.

It's so nice to have a house fund for projects like this........and it's nice to see a bid that didn't knock me over with the estimate. Nice all round........and I'll end up with a color I know I already love. (using almost the same combo as my other house; why mess with a good thing?)

It will be interesting to see how the other bids come in. This first one was running a 15% off special, end of season deal......... I really didn't think of it on purpose, but this might be a pretty economical time to get the place painted. I know the rush season would be spring here....... Maybe I accidentally am "shopping" at the right time? What are the odds? Smile

2 Responses to “Collecting House Painting Bids”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Sounds like a great price - we just did this with FIL's house which is in a different metro-city than I live in. Bids were from $5200 to 3245, but this was for inside and outside both. I'm getting ready to meet with the painter who lives a few houses down (small town) to get an estimate on my house on Saturday to try and get our house done this year as well before cold weather really sets in, so I'm right there with you!!

    Hoping that the small town painter does not charge big city prices! I've painted most of my house myself with my kids helping a little bit, but we are now at the need extension ladder stage for the second story and I'm just not going to climb one of those puppies AND try to paint at the same time! Hoping our work will help cut the costs on the total job.

  2. ima saver Says:

    What color are you chosing?

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