Home > Preventative Spending & Then Some

Preventative Spending & Then Some

September 20th, 2006 at 06:46 am

I went all out today and bought 2 new tires. Brand new. I hate buying things like tires, but I'm taking my van on the little trip next week, so it needs to be in top shape. Apparently, I was lucky my old tire hadn't blown up or was in pretty bad shape the guy said. A whopping $247.00 bill later & the van is good to go.

With a $5.00 off coupon from my mom, I stopped in for one of the cheapest haircuts I've found around here. Got out for only 8 dollars & change. Not bad. And, it's one of the better haircuts I've had in ages. Amazing how good I feel for that 8 dollars!

Went to a normal persons' retail fabric store today for the first time in years; decades really. A customer brought me a project without the necessary notions, so it was a have to sort of trip. But, I enjoyed myself immensely. What gorgeous stuff...I couldn't keep my hands off the fabrics. Just bought the zipper for the customer, which I will charge her for; plus for my time to go pick it up. Almost thought seriously about talking to the mgr at the store, as they were advertising for experienced teachers. But.......way too far away from my house to be logical. (would be fun tho)

On another note entirely....... I got an email out of the blue from a person I had worked with briefly in the past. She is now exec dir for a new non profit locally, interested in leasing my big house for autistic kids. Told her she was about 2 months late to get in on that house, but I would love to talk with her next week about somehow making something work between us. I'm going to look into buying a house and having them lease from me. Felt good to have the backing from the state on this one...Actually, the whole thing feels pretty good. And, if the foster parent recruiter position doesn't continue after Sept.....well, it seems like this is coming into focus at just the right time. I'm willing to keep an open mind & really give this a look see.

Managed to fit in a trip to the new antique booth.....continuing to sell items, not at a flying out of the booth pace; but things are moving. Stuffed another box or two of items into the little piece of real estate we're renting in the mall.

A fun day with all the things on my TO DO list crossed off (love that feeling). And, we managed to finish up some things from moms list too; as well as taking an hour or so at the beach just enjoying the afternoon with each other.

2 Responses to “Preventative Spending & Then Some”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    Wow, sounds like you had a banner day! I'm glad everything is going so well for you...

  2. JanH Says:

    My mom and are have always been close. But for the last 25 years she has been several states away. When I go visit, I try to stay for quite awhile cos I just enjoy her company so much. We talked on the phone the other night for 5 hours to catch up with each other. (I have unlimited long distance) Boy, enjoy those days with your mom. Wish I had more of them, but I am blessed with the wonderful mom I have.

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