Home > Another No Spender Here

Another No Spender Here

September 18th, 2006 at 11:08 pm

It probably gets boring life; spending no money! Smile

I do have expenses on the horizon, the van & it's mysterious tire noises, as well as the rental for our pseudo camping experience next week end. So, I don't go through a month spending nothing, and I don't feel deprived. There just isn't much I feel compeled to purchase, besides keeping the monthly bills paid up.

I have continued to have the automatic amounts taken out of my checking account; including a couple savings accounts, stock fund and mutual fund. I thought I might have to stop these, or at least cut back....but so far, I'm still chugging away and not feeling the crunch after formally retiring.

Maybe the deal is I'm old. Old enough to have collected all the "stuff" I could ever need (or want)?? Old enough to really know the difference between need & want in the first place? Old enough to have made a ton of mistakes (and learned from a few of them)??

Whatever the combination, I just don't end up having a conversation with myself about "should I spend money for_______?" It just doesn't come up.

I just thought of another possible reason I don't spend money!! I'm old enough that I tend to forget what I was thinking I needed anyway! Smile That must be it!

5 Responses to “Another No Spender Here”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    I am right there with you. I don't WANT as much any more...and when I do find I'm flush with cash, I've forgotten what it was that I wanted soooo badly! Ha!

  2. Bookie Says:

    I could have written your post. Same experience in retirement when it comes to the whole consumption routine. "Been there, bought that." No need to do it all over again.

    I think it was William Blake who wrote, "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." Maybe we have to buy our way to satiaty before we learn what is enough.


  3. baselle Says:

    Isn't now that we crave the things that money can't buy?

  4. boomeyers Says:

    You don't have to be old to forget what you were doing! All I have to do is walk into the next room in the house.
    Glad you are reaping the benefits of your contentment!

  5. ima saver Says:

    Icertainly can relate to everything you are saying!

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