Home > Dreaded Black Sparkly Blazer: Final Ending

Dreaded Black Sparkly Blazer: Final Ending

September 2nd, 2006 at 04:10 am

My faith has been restored. (hadn't truly lost it, but it was on shakey ground)

My customer.........the owner of the Dreaded Black Sparkly Blazer showed up at my house today with the total cash. On the first, the day she said she would return the money I "loaned" her, for the blazer she "paid" me to make for her.

What a convoluted deal this turned out to be. It started the first week in June and here we are at Sept first and I can now mark her receipt PAID. Finally.

Thanks for all the positive comments on previous Dreaded Blazer was a help to read the ideas and I did ponder more than a couple. However, I don't think I will be sewing for this woman again. Before the money even became an issue..........the actual project was a mess. She bought cheap materials and a pattern that wasn't what she really wanted so the whole event was unpleasant for me.

And..........Unpleasant I don't do on purpose. Seems there is enough of that around that just crops up; I'm sure not going to sign up for any on my own. I'll just be WAY too busy if she ever phones again.

I wonder if the episode this week was horrid enough for her....that she will change her ways and not spend money she doesn't have?? What are the chances?

3 Responses to “Dreaded Black Sparkly Blazer: Final Ending”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    The chances? Hahahahahaha. Did you give her this web address??

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    slim to none....she was way to comfortable stretching that one out til the very, bitter end...But good for her (and you) that she came through today, as promised.

    I am kinda sad to see the saga come to an

    first the horse, then the blazer...what next?? (ok, you can throw something at me...)

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Sheesh, Ray, now what if someone said to you they were sorry to see your husband's DMV story come to an end? LOL Or has that really, finally, officially...(ducking).

    Sue--What a relief to finally have that whole mess over and to have it finally paid in full. May people like that never again darken your doorstep. You're about the last person who deserves it.

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