Home > computer difficulties

computer difficulties

August 20th, 2006 at 04:45 am

Our household is going through withdrawals. We are having problems with our router talking to the modem or something and my PC is the only one that can get on line. Everyone else is lining up here to check their email on this machine......

My son in law was just here and pronounced us as "having a problem". He got my computer up and running, and told the rest of the bunch they would have to wait til Monday.... Should make for a looongg week end here with everyone chomping at the bit.

This episode has caused us all to have a pretty good discussion as to how spoiled we all are, and how dependant we have become on our computers and being on line for almost everything!!! I can remember my house when none of us had a computer and then when we bought one for the household..........and tonight there are 4 here that are down and my one working system....all in the same house.

Selfishly glad my system is up and running....and I've promised not to be too irritating about it here! Smile

1 Responses to “computer difficulties”

  1. rcent106 Says:

    You probably already tried this, but, have you unplugged (power) the router and (if cable modem) and modem, waited a minute and plugged them back in? That sometimes takes care of the problem. Had the same thing happen and that took care of the household disconnect problem and the withdrawals it caused!

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