Home > Oddest Phone Call I've EVER Received

Oddest Phone Call I've EVER Received

August 19th, 2006 at 04:31 pm

Good thing I was sitting down when the phone call came yesterday. Good thing the woman identified herself with some details besides her name. And, it's probably a pretty good think I kept my tongue and didn't let my sarcastic self take over the conversation that ensued.

Some background first............ I bought the house here in Oct of 05. It wasn't my first choice, but I already had the other house rented, so a move was in order.

Anyway, back to yesterday. On the other end of the phone, I hear the woman identify herself and then she says "I'm the woman you bought the house from." (I had never met her, just the husband person) She then just blurted out "I want to buy the house back from you".

Shocked, surprised and totally blown away is where that left me. I don't even know if I spoke for a bit. She was really nervous, but did start talking pretty soon about how her daughter didn't like their new home and really wanted to be back here, etc, etc.......... and how she would be considered the coolest mom if she could pull this off and buy back their house.

Guess how old this daughter person is that is creating the hub bub in this family?? She is a SIX YEAR OLD!!! Can you imagine?

Anyway, this looks like it might be a legit offer, I told her I would certainly entertain it, but didn't want to do anything in a hurry. She agreed and thought that working out a deal so it was finalized by next summer would work for them too.

I did call my realtor so he could get a chuckle out of this too; it was a first for him, no one has offered to buy back their house after this amount of time.

No idea if this will come to pass, but I have no ties to this place and could easily move by next summer. (even tho moving comes right after being drug behind a bus in the scope of my favorite things!!)

9 Responses to “Oddest Phone Call I've EVER Received”

  1. ima saver Says:

    I always say, everything I have is for sale if the price is right! (excluding hd and my dogs)

  2. pearlieq Says:

    Strange...but hey, if the price is right, why not?

  3. LittleGopher Says:

    Wow, what a call...I look forward to hearing what comes of this. (I can't, or don't want to, imagine a six year old like that. Maybe it's the mom having second thoughts - one scary kid, if it isn't!)

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    And who's to say that in a year's time, the little pampered princess won't change her mind halfway through the real estate deal? A lot can happen in a year's time, especially in the life of a 6 to 7 year old kid. By next year she may not even remember being a pill about it.

  5. baselle Says:

    I have to agree with the other poster here--its probably the adult who had second thoughts. For laughs, if she lives nearby, you should take a look at her current place. (possibility of swapping?) It might give you a good idea about her true motivation.

  6. contrary1 Says:

    I've called my realtor, he is doing the research on the previous owners property, as the gal mentioned trading properties. I'm pretty sure that isn't a deal I would go for, as her piece is right on a main highway. But, it is zoned rural cluster, which is attractive. Smaller house......twice the barns.

    I'm waiting to see if the prev. owner does call back, although she left me her work number too, for me to call her if I feel a trade is possible & to make an appt to see their current house.

    Has me thinking, that's for sure.

  7. flash Says:

    Hmmm....after all you've done to the property, especially the gardening...our relator estimates 25% of the home value is in well as appreciation and closing costs and all the equipment/supplies/nails/ladders/light fixtures, etc. a hard bargain!

  8. flash Says:

    Hmmm...contrary1, if you figure 25% of the home costs in landscaping, which assumes a contractor did it, and you do it yourself, and grow in the trees and shrubs and layout...I'll bet there is a huge saving there. Any chance of another article???

  9. contrary1 Says:

    Flash: I've already started my mental calculator whizzing here..........I have made some quick changes to this place already, which the previous owner mysteriously knew about (which is another whole wierd part to the story) like the new wood stove, kitchen floor, front door, etc....

    Didn't even think about the yard........ Hmmm 25% you say? I had no idea it would push the costs up that much. And, of course, you know I've been doing most of this myself! Me hire someone, not hardly!!! Smile I'll have to take a look around the place to see what the costs would be to have this done professionally and see what that adds to the improvements we've made.

    And an article??? I'll have to see what shape this takes, to see if I can make it into something...........I'm expecting my realtor to call me back this coming week too, so I can ask him from his point of view, what a landscaped yard does for the price of a place....

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