Home > How to Make a Cucumber Unhealthy

How to Make a Cucumber Unhealthy

July 25th, 2006 at 03:17 pm

How, you say, could I do that? Taking that perfectly beautiful, crisp, home grown cucumber and make it less than a perfect food???

Well, I confess. One of my 'have to' treats is a sandwich made with a fresh cucumber........on white bread with mayo........and a liberal dousing of fresh cracked pepper.

It just doesn't taste the same on whole grain bread. Even homemade. Sorry. Since it will only take me a couple sandwiches to get this out of my system, I'm going to ignore any health conscious suggestions to alter my summer treat and just go for broke.

I noticed there was a good sized cucumber, hiding under the bush beans (that have sort of gone nuts) when I walked the dog this AM. I hadn't even started to check the cucumbers, but will now include them in my daily checks out front.

Note to room mate person: Buy ingredients for salad dressings. We do go through lots of dressings and dips during our gardens prolific times here. Favorite is still my version of ranch, comes out to be more of a yogurt/peppercorn sort of event.
Totally yummy.

Will try to come up with a healthy stir fry from the garden to make up for my not so healthy lunch......... Smile

4 Responses to “How to Make a Cucumber Unhealthy”

  1. StressLess Says:

    Sounds good. Smile I have to have a few tomato sandwiches each year the same way--flabby white bread and full-strength mayo. The low fat version just doesn't do it. I never thought of using cucumbers this way, but I'm going to try it. I like them, but can't seem to use them up fast enough in salads.

  2. kashi Says:

    Sounds a lot like a salad my friend's grandmother makes - cucumbers swimming in a mayo dressing!

  3. contrary1 Says:

    I'm waiting for my tomatoes to ripen too, StressLess. I have to have the same sort of sandwich with them too!!! Glad to know I'm not the only one here that indulges! (and what point is there in low fat mayo anyway???) Smile

  4. lrjohnson Says:

    I have my very first homegrown cuke waiting for me. This sounds tempting. I'm not willing to buy white bread for it, but.....

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