Home > My 10' X 10' Garden

My 10' X 10' Garden

July 22nd, 2006 at 11:54 pm

I was lazy this past spring. Being new to this house & yard, I only prepped a little patch of ground for garden space.

I had brought some plants with me from the old house, so in they went....... People gave me starts from their yards, so I stuck them in the same piece of ground. I bought some perinneal seeds online (cheap) and stirred the seeds in the same area....

Then, it was time to put in some veggies....and into the same place they went. Bush beans next to the cosmos which I had never planted before.....who knew they got so huge?? More sugar snap peas since we always seem to use them up before they make it to the kitchen....and 2 huge packets of onion sets for a stunning border. Certainly I could squeeze some radishes in somewhere too...and now I've got 4 little spots of radishes in different stages.

Had to have a couple zucchini plants since we're all hooked on fried zuch. slices and then there are the strawberry plants we were given....

The garden has jumped it's boundaries a bit and I did get another little strip of ground cleared out for the squash.....but the deal is; a garden doesn't have to be huge to fit in bunches of plants.

I'm sure planting flowers and veggies together benefits both, as well as it makes for a much more interesting gargen patch. I've heard that the flowers bring beneficial insects to your garden....and also help to insure polinization of your veggies. Whatever the experts say, I'm loving having my beans next to my cosmos!!!

Flash & I were 'talking' about why is it more people don't garden??? Between her coupons and the coupon train I have jumped on here........and my garden.......we sure aren't paying full price for anything these days and we're definately eating better too. I will have to ponder the question further as I enjoy my gardens' bounty again this evening! Smile

3 Responses to “My 10' X 10' Garden”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Is it best to plant a garden in a semi chaded area, or in direct sun. I would like to pre-plan a garden for next year and am starting to consider where I would put it.

    I think starting small would be best...maybe 5X5 or 5X10.

  2. ima saver Says:

    I don't like vegetables and don't eat them!

  3. DivaJen Says:

    Do you know anything about square foot gardening? That might be a way for people to dip their toes into gardening without having to have a lot of space. I don't know much about it but my mom has given presentations on it.

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