Home > Anticipation


June 30th, 2006 at 05:05 pm

I'm down to counting the hours until I can officially declare Retirement! At least from Job #1. I won't be lounging on the beach in Mexico or anything even close, but I won't be caring for special needs kiddos on a full time basis as of 3PM today!!!!

I'm so excited I'm giddy. I have mental lists, written lists, a TO DO list on my Google sidebar here............all things I haven't been able to do with the houseful of kids. And, lucky for me a couple of them MAKE money, so I can do things I love and get paid too!

I think my main focus is going to be walking! I have been so jealous of the other blog entries about walking & exercising! I used to do that on a daily basis too, with the kids. But, the last 4 years, no way. So, tomorrow morning (and maybe even this evening if it's not 80 degrees) I'm heading out for my first solo walk in 4 years!!!

And, this walking addition does relate to money, at least for me. I've grown fat & lazy...........and I've got closets full of clothes that don't fit. I've got a new job that I'm going to need clothes for.... and I'm way too cheap to go buy things. So, I'll re do myself to fit the available clothes, all for no money spent.
(I might need a new pair of walking shoes right off the bat, haven't tried mine on for ages!)

The wardrobe, plus the obvious health benefits (& potential medical savings) make this a very frugal plan for me.

Other items on my list include being able to play the piano again, have people over to the house, attend church, skip a meal if I want, have some flexibility to the days, traveling. As I said........the anticipation is just making me a giddy fool today!

4 Responses to “Anticipation”

  1. princessperky Says:

    All of your plans sound great, except the skip a meal...but I am a fanatic about regular meals!

    good luck on your walk!

  2. ima saver Says:

    It sounds wonderful!! Have fun!

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    You just be as giddily foolish as you certainly deserve it!! I am anxious to read your posts next week as you begin to unwind...and then those when you are comfortable in your 'new shoes'....

    Doin the happy dance along with you Contrary1 !

  4. flash Says:

    You deserve to be giddy! But retirement chores can creep up on you...I'm getting tired of dusting off the piano every week and not playing it. Of course, the new pup HATES the piano!

    Good luck, and enjoy!

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