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Saving $ by Saving Food

June 17th, 2006 at 09:14 pm

When I clean out the fridge, I usually have the wok close at hand these days. In my not so distant past...I would have had some sort of trash recepticle to dump things into. Smile

I've managed to NOT toss food, other than into the freezer for later use, or into the stove for the next meal.

Todays lunch was a delicious wok full of fried rice, with dabs of leftover veggies and the meat from last nights leftover chicken. Add a couple eggs, some of the sorry looking green onions and it was a Hit!

Also took the ends of the watermelon and chunked it up, zip locked and tossed it in the freezer. Fruit slushies for dessert the next warm day! Just toss in the blender with a little sweetener & put in some fancy glasses guys think this is the best.

It takes a bit more thinking and a lot more planning, but I know I've saved hundreds of dollars since January when I really began concentrating on the Leftover Overflow Department here at our house.

3 Responses to “Saving $ by Saving Food”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    Good for you! Using up leftovers is something I work hard at, too. Fried rice is one of my favorites. I also make a lot of mystery soups and casseroles. Luckily, it's just me, so no one complains!

  2. yummy64 Says:

    Oh how simple the concept sounds. Thank you for reminding me. Using stuff up and not tossing it out is such a simple way to save money.

    I need to spend some more time "shopping from my kitchen" and not in the grocery store finding good deals!

  3. flash Says:

    That's what I'm trying to do, too. It really helps on the budget. Last year I just shopped once a week and pitched once a week!

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