Home > on line banking mess up

on line banking mess up

May 5th, 2006 at 11:07 pm

I'm just too frustrated to type sensibly. I've been using bill payer services from my bank for years, and just switched to a new bank when I moved in Oct. All was working well, other than I had to become familiar with new processes, etc..........

But, within the last 2 weeks, I discovered 2 little utility payments had been taken out of my clients account that I'm payee on. I reversed those, and called the bank. They told me about a manual little deal I had to do when paying bills, that I had to choose which acct to pay from. (thought I hadn't had to do that before, but figured she must be right)

Well, today I was going to pay a bill, from my account, and discovered 2 more bills from my clients well as 2 refused house pymt and the mort on the rental house. Yikes!! That meant they hadn't been paid at all.

Called the mort. that resolved, paid by phone. Faxed them the print sheet from the bank with the mistaken business from the wrong acct.

Spent unknown minutes on hold today with cust. service at the bank....... Was told there were some bugs in the system (no kidding) and they had just done the re do of the website 2 weeks ago. (so, I wasn't imagining it when I hadn't been doing the choosing of which account)

Now, I've got the clients acct hidden, so it isn't going to be an issue. Will just have to go dig for his acct to balance his acct monthly.
Otherwise, I think I'm now up to speed.

But, gads..........what a pain in the neck.

"horse lady" just came in and paid for last heading out to help her groom horses so I'll have to talk with her about this months rent. Yuk, hate this.

Autistic kid hanging over my shoulder, I'm definately done here..........

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