Home > The Navy's Coming To My House

The Navy's Coming To My House

April 26th, 2006 at 08:46 pm

Well, not the whole Navy, but the gentleman that came today to view the property is going to stay with us for a year.........starting in July. He is stationed at the Navy base in Everett, which is pretty close to my place. He advertised as needing a level piece of property to park his RV on for a year. Well, level.........we've got. Not a bit of elevation to the whole place.

He is going to split the power bill with me as well as tackle all my projects I can't do on my own. I'm thrilled. He didn't think that was enough on his side of the bargain, but he hasn't seen The List.... Smile

Found batteries here, so didn't need to make a stop to get those. Ran out of time prior to getting gas, so that is a Must Do the next time out. Found a big snaffu at the bank, they had taken $$ out of my kiddos acct, when I had paid bills online. Should have been my own acct, but the bank took it out of our joint acct. Numbers aren't even close. I transferred money back into his acct, but the state will probably have to investigate me for fraud or something. I'll be sure to make a note when I pass everything on to whomever in July.

Closed my eyes & hit SEND on bill payer & gave over $5000. to the county for property taxes. That just hurts. My savings account doesn't look quite so healthy anymore..........and of course, now I'm at zero saved up for the 2nd half of the taxes. I need that much again by Halloween! (appropriate holiday for tax day!)

Only $$ spent was postage for shipping my sale out. $1.35 Not bad for the day.

Dinner is split pea soup from the freezer & grilled cheese. Homemade cookies for dessert. I received a few comments from my post My Own Brand of Frozen Dinners........ Seems quite a few people have wished they could do OAMC (once a month cooking), but were unable for a variety of reasons. Cooking just 2X's as much as needed for a meal is an easier way to go for me, offers more variety and I believe is less expensive. (at least the cost is spread out) Almost no difference in time either.......that was what decided against OAMC for me....I couldn't come up with the entire day free.

Bus is almost here, I'm going to grab 15 min of quiet time before my guy storms in here.

4 Responses to “The Navy's Coming To My House”

  1. LittleGopher Says:

    Mr. Navy sounds great! I think you'll both benefit from this alliance. Good for you!!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I hope he brings a little 'security' that you can tap into if need be.

    I think it is truly a win-win...and (not) suprisingly, the timing coincides pretty well with your other decisions...(fate???) door closes and another opens... Wink

  3. markio26 Says:

    good for you.. my mil has foreign students stay a year with her in uganda. i will tell her about the military program... i know they do this, my son was a marine, now he is a cop.

  4. boomeyers Says:

    Yeah! This sounds wonderful! I hope it all pans out! And since he hasn't seen the "To Do" list, you can just keep adding to it!!!

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