Home > If I Was Homeless..................

If I Was Homeless..................

April 22nd, 2006 at 06:32 am

I ponder that thought and wonder what my actions would be if I truly was homeless and had to rely on my wits (if I had any left) and the kindness of strangers.

"john" makes me shake my head.

He is the carpenter who became homeless after I hired him to put up the clothesline and build a chicken coop here. Tonight, he asked if he could wash a load of laundry.........Told him the laundry room was all his.

He washed his laundry & proceded to run it all through the dryer. I don't know if I would do the same.... Would I want to dry my clothes in the descreet darkness of the dryer drum rather than hang them outside for anyone here to view? Probably. If I was homeless, I'm pretty sure my laundry would not be all lined up like my mother taught me to hang it. All the towels together, ranked by size, all the shirts hung the same direction, socks matched and hung in a row....nothing out of place, everything in good repair.

I don't think he even caught the irony of it all. I listened to the hum of the dryer, surprising myself by not turning it off to save the electricity. I'm glad I have a choice of where I can dry my clothes. I'm glad "john" has clean clothes tonight. (and dry ones.....) I'm glad I can think of other ways to save money.

3 Responses to “If I Was Homeless..................”

  1. Somerlyn Says:

    My family came from Europe during" The Depression". My parent often told of the hardships they faced. We Americans waste so much and certainly could do so much better. We are truely blessed in America.

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    and I am sure 'John' is thankful for a warm place to sleep and an opportunity to have clean clothes....If I ever am homeless, I hope I am fortunate enought to come across someone like you!

  3. lrjohnson Says:

    I am not scared of a lot of things, like heights or snakes or spiders or airplanes. I have a huge fear of becoming homeless. Having to plan bowel movements because finding a bathroom is difficult. Always worried about being cold and wet. I am very touched by your willingness to do something concrete to help. Even if he doesn't appreciate it as much as he "should", or as much as youd' "like him to," I still think you are doing the right thing.

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