Actually picked up a check for $15.00 at the antique booth today. Can't count it as profit, as I'm paying booth rental. But, it is a start. Money coming in, as well as going out. Progress in some form?? I could see empty spots today again, so I know there have been sales in April too.........the check should be getting bigger each month as I get the booth full. I'm already thinking this will be just a summer thing for me, this mall doesn't push the advertising like the one I participated in previously.
Also got my first phone inquiry on the sewing/knitting ad that ran for the first time yesterday. No appt yet, but I think we will be meeting as early as Monday next week. Need to do some work here at home, so I've got a decent place for people to change for fittings and I need a sign out front so they are sure they've got the right place. I would rather work here at home than take the time & gas to do the antique booth. Money will be much better too. And, the advertising is less than the booth space.
Also cashed a check from one of my respite clients. She forgot to pay me on the first, so I actually ASKED for it this past week end. Very unlike me. I should be able to make it last for months....only using cash for gas these days.
First $$ for Challenge
April 20th, 2006 at 08:05 pm
April 21st, 2006 at 01:40 am 1145583611