Home > Coin Jar: & zip lock???

Coin Jar: & zip lock???

April 12th, 2006 at 03:58 am

Mine certainly isn't a jar. And, I've got a few things in my collection that aren't coins either.

I had a plastic drawer thing which I dropped coins in prior to the move in Oct. As I went to pack it, broke. Coins everywhere. Thus, the zip lock.

After moving to the new house, I thought I'd upgrade to a china dish, matched the room, had lovely violets painted on it.... (actually, the dish "happened", because I made a stupid bid for a cream & sugar on a tray for the antique booth. When I got them, it wasn't a set, wasn't even a sugar & creamer. So, I couldn't sell the dish, I had paid money for it, so thought using it was better than nothing.

It did look nice, but WAY too is already quite useless. Not sure what method to go to now.....

the zip lock is holding up, perhaps that is the answer for me??

3 Responses to “Coin Jar: & zip lock???”

  1. KarenSue Says:

    I liked your photo - very pretty china dish.

  2. contrary1 Says:

    No idea on the key.........didn't even know it was in there until I set the "lovely" bag out for its' photo shoot!

    I'm funny with keys. I don't lock my house or my I'm not into keys for functional purposes. But, I won't get rid of a key- no way!

  3. katwoman Says:

    Next time you go to your bank ask if they can "loan" you a coin bag. I find they are very agreeable since I'll be coming back to have my change counted and deposited there anyway. I always get the bag back for the next time.

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