Home > Aiming for a picture

Aiming for a picture

April 10th, 2006 at 09:49 pm

Hoping to share a sure sign of spring in my entry area here.......... (just think, I could have taken a picture of the....... still there.....dead cow next door!)

As it is, I'm not sure what (if any) picture might appear. Too funny.... The things I've learned here-perhaps I'll learn this too??

Spent a few $$ in gas today, went to the antique booth to update, only to find it closed. Stupid. Went to the bank & then mailed a package to my son. Forgot all about taking the coupons, will try again tomorrow. Brain is past dead after 5 days with autistic kiddo home. Shouldn't have planned to go out in public already today.........needed some recuperation time I guess. Smile

Emailed the figures into the tax lady, hoping I have all she needs. Still can't find a couple items, may have to forego listing them........I'm not sure if that comes out to be a plus or minus for me........I hate taxes, don't understand them and NO, I don't even want to. I've always had a non taxable income, so usually don't need to file......but this past year is different....and I hate it.

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