Spending the weekend cooking from the freezer & pantry. My Sat, Sun & Mon are the rest of the worlds Mon, Tues & Wed. I have the most to do on the week ends, then get my break on Tues, Wed & Thurs. Just off from everyone.........again: Contrary1. The name seems to fit.
No spending today again. Worked in the yard, sunny here in the Seattle area. Warm enough for no jacket! Have my bed ready for the tomatoes, compost all hauled in there today. The yard is starting to look like a gardener lives here! Mowed the lawns for the first time yesterday.
I've got my 100 trees from the state nursery; I just need enough motivation to start planting them. This is an inexpensive way to add trees to your property if you have more than a city lot. Not much choice and the size varies each year, but the price is right for my budget. Pennies per tree! I've done this every year for 17 years now, and some of my first ones are getting quite nice!
Enjoying the Olympics, especially since my yarn & needles came! I'm getting the baby gifts done while just sitting.....I love knitting, it makes me feel productive while I'm just sitting around.
I also refuse to go to the baby showers without a hand made gift of some kind. Both of these babies are coming into exceptionally frugal families too.....so my gifts won't be the only hand made items.
Still haven't done much on my Feb goal of seeing to the outdoor lighting situation here. Just because the days are getting longer, we're using less, but that isn't what I meant!
racking up another no spend day!
February 12th, 2006 at 09:48 pm