Home > meltdown


February 8th, 2006 at 02:35 am

After 13 months, my autistic kiddo had a major meltdown this afternoon after just getting off his bus. I was totally taken by surprise. Now, I'm just exhausted, brain dead and waiting til I can quit for the night & it's lights out.

It was a no spend good point for the day. The sun was out, which for the Seattle area is a new & unusual thing! I did some more prep work in the yard, getting ready for the gardens.

I had 2 more emails re; the knitting classes. One sounds possible. My needles I ordered on line came I'm just waiting for my yarn. I need to get some projects in the works if I'm going to have students. Important for them to have samples to see I think.

I'm still listening to the audio book, The Richest Man in Babylon. Very good... started me to visualize the money coming into the household and the money going out. I need to get this more clear in my mind, and create a place for the savings part.......Too tired to flesh this out in my head.

Praying tomorrow is better; praying for wisdom to know what to do in these meltdown situations!

2 Responses to “meltdown”

  1. LittleGopher Says:

    I've worked with austistic preschoolers, and I can only imagine a bad day for an older child or teen (not sure the age you're working with.) You are doing such a good job in caring for him. I wish you well, and a better day tomorrow!

  2. contrary1 Says:

    Thanks for the words of support! My guy is 20. Fortunately, he is very small framed.........but when he is out of control, it is all I can do to maintain here.
    This morning was back to normal..........I know I'll be watchful when the bus pulls in this afternoon! Smile

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