Home > journal junkie

journal junkie

January 21st, 2006 at 04:04 pm

I'm hooked. Always known I was into keeping my own journals.............I found them everywhere when I moved. But, I am hooked to reading others journals! Getting ideas & inspiration from everyone's regular entries to continue to shave costs & add to savings here. What a great habit! A cup of coffee & some time, plus the cost of the internet connection I thrills!

Today is going to be another no spending day.....easy when I don't have to go anywhere. Working today, so making money instead of spending it.

Making the list for the monthly carpenter/handyman visit in Feb. Most items on the list are things that will either make or save money in the long run. Especially looking forward to getting the clothesline designed & put well as the chicken coop & run. Clothes hung outside & fresh eggs!! Doesn't get any better. Again, cheap thrills! I truly don't think the chickens are cheaper than buying eggs on sale...........I don't want to know the numbers; the fresh eggs have now become something I'll fund. If I buy the chicks, pay for supplies, I'll have to pay for the construction of the abode will be a long time before the eggs are truly FREE. Rationalizing that I won't run out, no extra trips to the store.............

Getting flyers in the mail this week re; the empty lot & the listing running out. Unsure of what to do re; this. Actually forgot about it with the move. I'm not willing to pay for the road & the cost is so high I'm pretty sure I can't find a buyer willing to pay either. Waiting seems to be the best choice here. Perhaps I can out wait the county & live long enough to see the R5 change so I can divide the parcel up. Or, the tenant in the neighboring piece will make an offer?? Either way won't hurt anything. I can continue to pay the property taxes, which are coming up soon here.

I advertised the small wood stove on Craigs list................the new one comes this week. I was going to just let them take the old one, thinking it would be hard to get rid of. But, after doing some research, it seems to be worth some money. Hopefully, one of the inquiries will turn into a sale. That would almost pay for half of the upgrade on the other stove. Also planning on opening up a wall, making a walkway through from the room the stove is in.................creating better air flow so the new stove is capable of heating the rest of the house. Fans aren't doing the trick & I hate turning them on & using electricity to move the heat from the wood stove. Something just WRONG about the whole process.

Still on my de-clutter, clean it up, move it out of here binge. It does feel like resources appear when I remove the un needed items. Maybe it is just psychological, but it works for me. Freecycling is the greatest! Moving several boxes of goodies out of here today..............and I won't even miss them.

Dinner from the freezer tonight............with enough left for lunches tomorrow. Cheap meal too...........

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