Enjoying the process of the financial challenge. Coincidently, I've got a week of vacation here, no clients........so have the free time to bring a cup of coffee to the computer & follow through with the daily assignment. I'm really enjoying it!
Just finished signing up for the 3 accounts. I think I've done all I can do now, just going to settle in and wait for the mail to complete # 2 & #3.
I've also got a gift check at my brick & mortar bank locally...........$75.00 for opening a new account there! A profitable week for not really working!
My one area where I'm not making headway is my freezer snafu! I had bought a refurbished one in Oct, it quit working in Nov & I can't get the company to refund the money or pick up the old freezer. They promise they are handling it, I call every week to check up.........Nothing! I'm not usually this ineffective! Didn't want to get them really mad until I had my money & the freezer was gone, then I was going to report them to the BBB for sure. Now, I'm not so sure I shouldn't just call them in to everyone I can think of.
Also need to call the renters & remind them of the late fee for their check. They picked the number & then they didn't comply. Hmmm More money uncollected. Terrible trend this AM.
Still managing here without the heat pump. It was pronounced dead. Haven't figured out what to replace it with. Doing all the research I can..........haven't been able to get anyone to come out, nor give me a bid on replacing it. Can't figure that out. People seem to be out of work, but no one has responded to my emails, or phone calls. I will need to purchase something, I can't have the house without a real heat source...........not everyone is as frugal as I am........ I'm very OK with the wood stove & a little fire every afternoon/evening. If I'm working around here, it seems warm enough to me. Also helps that we are having a really MILD winter here in the NW.
Will have to decide between replacing a heat pump, adding an electric forced air furnace or coming up with a furnace that runs on propane. I haven't come up with a comparison that I can understand to see what would cost the most...........what is the most cost effective..........etc.
No spending day here. Love that!!! Even using leftovers, since I'm not cooking for the tribe.
challenge.........bring it on!!!
January 20th, 2006 at 07:18 pm