I'm past my tantrum now, but this morning it took all my self control to not scream into the phone!
I was attempting to follow the discharge directions from the ER re; moms fall yesterday. Thought it shouldn't prove to be beyond my capabilities.....HA! Was I ever wrong.
First, called the specialist, whom she needs to get into on Friday. (this being Wed, it didn't seem impossible) Well, not so quick..... We could get an appointment, but it needed to have a referral from her primary care DR.
OK, a quick call to the primary people & speak to the referral dept. (who knew they had an entire dept to deal with just the referrals?) At this point, the logic of any conversation began to seep away fairly quickly....
The insurance co. had made an error on the last membership card, giving mom a brand new primary care DR. We had noticed it last week and called for a new corrected card. (was that ever a mistake...) New card won't be effective until Sept. 1st! (started tearing my hair out about this point)
So, the upshot of the deal is we need to go register as a new patient of the mistakenly listed DR, have an appointment and he will give us the referral.
Insurance co. would be willing to revoke our change of Dr's but that wouldn't help, it would still leave us with the brand new guy. No one seems to know where the difficulty began & I couldn't uncover a trail that led to the switch in the first place.
With almost no patience left, I gave up. I feel so sorry for anyone having to wade through this health care mess. I've just had no experience with this at all until I began working on moms medical with/for her. It is worse than the condition or accident I believe!
We are headed to the brand new Dr. tomorrow morning for a full fledged appointment with someone she has never met and will never see again. Being nice enough just until we get said referral in hand........we're out of there!! Then, we wait til Friday when we have to trek all the way downtown to Seattle (me who doesn't DO Seattle!) for the nose specialist appointment. With luck it will also be a one time deal & she will be on the road to good as new!
Note to self: I will be certain to double check all of the insurance cards coming in.....making sure the DR is the correct one.
Also plan to get all moms meds on a mail order situation, saving as much as possible on each prescription. I just found out there is a 'window' each year, if her total meds go over the line and until they reach the top line, she pays 100% of the costs. This is just so blinking complicated, it is hard for me to follow all the rules, no wonder she had difficulty and was just shoving the paperwork in a closet here!
Hoping for a better day tomorrow!
Beyond Frustrating
August 30th, 2007 at 12:22 am
August 30th, 2007 at 01:39 am 1188434353
August 30th, 2007 at 01:40 pm 1188477625
August 30th, 2007 at 04:17 pm 1188487038
August 30th, 2007 at 04:18 pm 1188487105
August 30th, 2007 at 04:56 pm 1188489360
August 30th, 2007 at 07:16 pm 1188497803
August 30th, 2007 at 08:15 pm 1188501344
of his demise. Not only was he declared dead but I was also. No income did I receive, but worse yet my health insurance was declared void. It took four months with SSI to prove I was not DEAD. United Health Care made me jump
through hoops to prove I was alive. And some people want
universal health care? No way!
September 3rd, 2007 at 05:32 am 1188793934
I agree with keeping detailed records, however I couldn't get the insurance co to agree with me about the primary DR even tho we had records of mom seeing the woman for over 10 years now. They kept telling me if I wanted mom to switch Dr's ..... No way would they see they had made an error on the silly membership card. Just a clerical error, but wow........what a mess it caused.
I truly can't imagine how older people/couples manage if they don't have family assisting. This is HARD and I start doubting my abilities ......where I'm usually more than confidant!
I'm learning more all the time.....and plan to make huge strides this week when I get to meet the primary DR. (the old original one) to see if we can tidy up the process, get the meds in order and save mom some money in the long run.