Home > ouch


May 20th, 2006 at 01:59 am

I can't even tell anyone how.....but somewhere this afternoon, during my autistic kiddos meltdown...... I broke my toe.

It's throbbing and I have it up with some ice on it. All the kids keep asking "what happened?" I have my toes all taped together which feels a tad better.

I have done this so often,I could break my toes off on a dotted line I think.

We survived the meltdown, I can't even remember what started it. During the event, he tromped through my newly planted rows of seeds, calling me all sorts of names. Have no idea what made him go off. Can't remember the toe remember bringing the remainder of the seeds that were in my hand inside & they got put in a ziplock. And, then I went to my room for a time out......and to find an ice pack & tape for toes! He calmed down and has been great since dinner. Even went out and mowed the lawn for me. Always a puzzle & no answers. Exhausting.

Got my last call back from the state licensing board, re; my tenants. They are now being placed on probation. Not really sure what that means, but the state assured me they are still full with kids & being I should not have difficulty with rent checks. HA!

Can't wait til it is bedtime here. Going to take something for my toe & hope to go right to sleep.

6 Responses to “ouch”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Ow! So sorry you did that! Take it easy on those toes. That's not fun!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Darn it. The last thing you needed was a broken anything...

    I hope the next few days go a little better. Also- that the rent check comes through.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    I hope it heals fast. Feet are the worst. At least if you break a finger you can still walk around without each step hurting. Hope the pain goes away soonest.

  4. carol Says:

    I agree. Please take care of those toes.

  5. Ima saver Says:

    Hope you feel better real soon!

  6. lrjohnson Says:

    I am really impressed with you patience.

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