Home > FARM REPORT: Update!!!!!

FARM REPORT: Update!!!!!

April 10th, 2006 at 11:25 pm

For those of you following the local farm report here.............TA DA...........

The dead cow just got picked up! Finally. I couldn't do more than just peek occasionally at the process next door. On the other autistic kiddo sat outside on the back porch and watched the whole event. YUK.
All he wanted to know is where the cow was going?? I told him I didn't know which was just a way around not going into what a rendering plant is.
He then replied "to garbage".

I let it go with that.............

1 Responses to “FARM REPORT: Update!!!!!”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    the end of a sad, yucky saga... I wish you luck with your neighbors in the future. (Your daffodils were beautiful by the way...I am a HUGE daffodil fan)

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