Home > One Tired Update

One Tired Update

June 11th, 2007 at 05:18 am

Pooped here. Got up at what I consider dawn these 6AM. Took mom and headed to the other house to drop off burning trash from the yard here.
Then, off to the food glean from the local grocery store.

We hauled 750 lbs of produce out of that store, then loaded it in my van, then unloaded it and sorted it at the food bank. Makes me more tired when I think of it again. We have a good time, the food isn't going to waste, but I'm going to have to stop this. I would continue if there was another person to assist with the lifting & hauling, but no....just me. And, I'm deciding it isn't going to work. Emailing my decision in tomorrow.

Headed to the old house, mowed while mom took a nap on the couch. Fed the chickens, gathered fresh eggs to bring back here.

Got back here to moms and the sun was out (first day in what seems like ages), so I planted her 3 new rose bushes......and a couple boxes of plants I had dug up this AM at the old house.

By tonight....I'm feeling like a truck hit me. Heading to bed hoping for a brand new me by tomorrow morning. Smile

4 Responses to “One Tired Update”

  1. Lux Living Frugalis Says:

    Can you get your local TV & paper news to put out a plea for helpers w/the loading and unloading??

    Sounds like a very over full day!! I'm pooped just reading it!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    You make me tired just reading your entries. I could never plant anything, no way could I dig a hole with a shovel. You are amazing!!

  3. fern Says:

    You sound so much like me, always trying to squeeze in a few more chores/projects.

    If i lived near you, i would help with your food hauls. At the food bank i work at, there are 4 of us sitting around just waiting for someone in need to show up.

  4. boomeyers Says:

    A much deserved rest for you!

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