Home > The Furnace Update

The Furnace Update

November 3rd, 2006 at 02:06 am

I started my day with a moral question and veered off the straight and narrow to tell a small fib........lie..........white lie.....whatever you call it. Not quite the truth, but if I just let the day happen, I wasn't going to like it either. Now that the day is almost over....I think I made the right choice.

I had scheduled the repair person that was referred to me by my old furnace man for mid morning today. Only to find out last night that the couple living in the travel trailer out back......had a friend in the heating business that was volunteering to come fix the trailers aged heat system.... AND, they would come inside & take a look at the house furnace too. Fixing it if they could....

So, this AM, I left a voice mail for the scheduled appointment and asked if I could re schedule it.........Then, this evening the "volunteers" took a look at the offending hulk of a furnace...only to be stumped. He did get the pilot light lit on the propane fireplace, so I've got an emergency, back up to the wood stove if needed now.

I'll call tomorrow & set up the furnace company again.......But, I'm OK with the chain of events today. I would have felt awful if the furnace was fixed this AM, and then the guys came in tonight to find I had already handled it.

Sort of a save face kind of event..... And, we're not freezing, the temperature has gone back to a more normal 40 something and wet & rainy.

I did learn more about furnaces.....and I do think I could light the pilot light by myself it was a good day. No money spent on this project yet , however, no heat either! Will start again in the AM.

1 Responses to “The Furnace Update”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Well see, you are learning something. Always a good thing. I hate lighting the pilot light! Scary!

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