Home > Half Through Oct. Already

Half Through Oct. Already

October 15th, 2006 at 04:28 pm

I need to start moving faster, earlier and working longer days I guess. Where in the world have I spent half of October already?

I have more days in the month WITH sewing & knitting appointments than without. That is a step in the right direction. I am quoting and charging more money than I have before.....I typically don't charge enough for my time. Current jobs are almost laughable, when I'm working on them and then know what I'm going to write on the bill... I don't want to get too high, but so far, customers have been eager to pay what I'm quoting, so it must be pretty close to right on. There really isn't much competition out there to double check my prices, unless it's a dry cleaners.

The back 40 RV-ers have moved on month rent from them and then we came to a mutual decision it wasn't working out. Have advertised this again.

The extra bedroom situation: I have a young couple coming this evening to move in for approx 3 months. I won't be making a ton of money on this deal, just enough to let them know they have to pay for housing. But, they are going to work on my TO DO list with/for me. With the new paint job here & my mind set changing........there are some projects I would love to get done. These are the perfect kids to do them.

RE: Room mate person....... Will continue to hold the line re; her paying half the expenses here at the house. Also hold her to paying off the personal loan from me for the now crunched truck. Also will drop her from the insurance if this effects my total bill in any way. (we have had our insurance together for decades now, as it was so much cheaper than each having insurance seperately) She has a great driving record, but I'm not willing to keep her on my policy if this accident turns out nasty. Will dole all this info out to her in teensy pieces, so she doesn't have a meltdown.

Will meet with horse people re; the winters use of the pastures here. They aren't making any steps to put in a sacrifice area, need to let them know I'll be watching for signs the pastures are going to pot and then give them their notice to move. I have learned I'm not charging near enough for the boarding......could actually be making some money on this part of the property.

It's another no spend day, with a pick up of a couple freecycle pieces of furniture. I'm working on outfitting the living room here as my knitting class area.......(currently is just a room with a fireplace) Love free stuff! Hopefully the 2 pieces I'm getting today will fit in somewhere here or at moms.

Dinners planned......finally using up a can of coconut milk (have no idea why I've got so many of these) in a Thai inspired chicken dish over rice. Should be yummy and totally out of the pantry & freezer.

Chick Update: All 24 doing well. Chirping and scurrying around and then napping in a pile of fluff. Too cute!

1 Responses to “Half Through Oct. Already”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    My goodness, you have been busy!

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