Home > And, Another No Spender Here

And, Another No Spender Here

September 7th, 2006 at 02:09 am

Feels like this is my comfort zone; spending nothing all day. I can do this forever I think. I would have been great as a pioneer, not complaining a bit about living a long ways from "town".

I've often had this thought; I've been born a few generations later than I would have chosen. (if I had been given an option!) I think I could hold my own if I was plopped down in a different era........making my families clothing, putting up food for the winter, gardening as if our survival depended on it......the whole works! Anybody else feel like this, or am I the only odd duck?

Anyway.....digressing here and totally enjoying the fact that I can let my mind wander. (another benefit to retirement!!)
Truly spent nothing today, and made money too. My knitting student paid me a sizeable tip, over and above my hourly fee.....a nice surprise!! She is hooked and will be a regular. I hope she rounds up some friends & neighbors now and we can turn this into something a bit bigger! Too fun.

3 Responses to “And, Another No Spender Here”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I cant sew...but I have oft felt the same way about being born in the wrong generation. I could stay home and cook/bake forever.

    There was I time I couldnt wait to get out of the house...and now, I find any reason possible to stay home and homemake.

    Knit, bake, craft....and soon, thatnks to a little help from my 'friends'!!! I completely understand where you're coming from!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    I am impressed with all the back to basic skills you have used! You do a great job of "doing with".

  3. baselle Says:

    Maybe you were born in a different era. It could be that our lives are like days...some are great and you learn a lot from them, others, not so much. My little bit of philosophy for the day.

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