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Boarding House Opens Here

August 10th, 2006 at 11:01 pm

Well, the renting out of the spare bedroom didn't actually work out with a full time person...........but, we've got the room rented out for the next 17 days. At almost the same rate we had it advertised for too!

This will be interesting, I felt like we could do anything for 17 days. It's a young couple that thought they had an apt. sewed up, but can't get in it until Sept 1st, due to some painting & carpeting work. They were going to camp in a local park, but advertised on Craigs list since they have a cat & didn't know how well that was going to work 'camping'.

They both work and have a long commute, so I doubt we'll see much of them. I'm so used to having other people in my house, it won't make a bit of difference to my daily life here.

If all goes should be a win/win situation. They have a place to stay and I get some help with the bills this month. Works for me!

1 Responses to “Boarding House Opens Here”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Hot dog! More cash in the bank! Happy dance for you! :-)

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