Home > The Dreaded Black Sparkly Blazer

The Dreaded Black Sparkly Blazer

July 6th, 2006 at 01:53 pm

For the 2nd time, the blazer didn't show up again. Hmmm, perchance the customer is realizing some of the difficulties might be of her own making & isn't going to require me to re do the order??? Please, Oh, Please????

Buying inferior materials does not allow for a top of the line end product..........
Buying a pattern that isn't what you want as an end result is a bad place to start.......
And, thinking a seamstress could do something to make a 4X not quite a 4X is futile..........

Maybe, said customer is mulling over this list too, and is having a hard time bringing the project back to me??

On the other hand, I had a return customer yesterday; and he is thrilled. Said he is sharing my info with others on his street.
Note to self: Stick to alterations, way more fun than new construction!

Ordered bags this week, such a great company. They are local, but service world wide accounts. What amazing customer support. I received a G/C yesterday for being a new customer (actually not, but since I had a new business, they gave me one! Nice) and they sent 3 referral cards, if someone else opens up an account, we each get another G/C. I can see why they have grown from 1 store to 4 since I've been using them.

Slowly remembering items I need to get the sewing business up and running again. It's been long enough I don't think of something until it smacks me on the head! Smile Like the bags! Getting an order finished and then not having something to put it in, or put over the hangers....Duh!

1 Responses to “The Dreaded Black Sparkly Blazer”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    I know you just said you want to stick with alterations instead of new construction, but I thought of 2 possible sources of money for you: 1) Prom dresses. My mom made mine and it looked great, and not like anyone else's because it wasn't off the rack. You could put up flyers in high schools, or churches, whatever, starting in January/February. 2) Christening outfits. Advertise anywhere pregnant mothers are...My daughter's outfit was the last big thing my mom ever sewed and it's absolutely precious! Good luck!

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