Home > First Time for Everything

First Time for Everything

May 18th, 2006 at 10:07 pm

Amazing, but true. I just got a package, saying I was a winner in the SC Johnson Clean Home Journal Sweepstakes! TA DA
I got a full size container of air infusions. (fancy name for air freshener, what will they call it next?)

Truly, I don't usually win anything, so this was pretty out of character. Must have been from one of the websites where I signed up for something free, as I'm not into sweepstakes.

On the bad news front: Still can't reach the tenants in the rental house. Did do some research and found the state had put a stop placement on the company....which would affect my house. Drat & darn. Waiting for a call from the state licensing dept, to see what's up. Hoping like crazy, they have the situation resolved and the company is still afloat.

1 Responses to “First Time for Everything”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Congrats on the winnings!

    and I am hoping good things on the rental situation....

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