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random thoughts

April 15th, 2006 at 01:05 am

Mixed up day, my thoughts are no where near organized. Thought I was spending no money, then realized it was Friday, the day I pick up my kiddo from swimming and we, traditionally, go out for a snack. I was early, so I ran through a grocery store for snack items. Saved $$, but spent when I thought I wouldn't have to.

And, since I was out, I got a hair cut too........spent $$ again, but no more gas doing it at the same trip.

And.......(getting to be a theme here) I saw the craft store had their fabric on 20% off. I have half-heartedly looked for fabric for a vintage chair I'm re doing for the antique booth. Ran in today and found something very workable. Only spent $2 something on the piece I needed. (no excuse now, not to have something new for the booth this coming week)

Watched Oprah tonight while putting dinner together. Wasn't surprised at the stories, but I found the whole hour pretty compelling. I am feeling mighty grateful tonight, here in my home, warm-safe-fed- the list could go on and on.

1 Responses to “random thoughts”

  1. lrjohnson Says:

    Well frugal buddy, I went to the grocery store, got my hair cut, came home, watchyed Oprah, and was grateful too. May your Saturday be unmixedup.

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