Home > knitting hits the news here

knitting hits the news here

April 13th, 2006 at 04:03 am

I finally got one of the ads done, approved and ready for this coming weeks issue of our local paper. Using the same ad for another paper, different town on the other direction. While talking with the ad rep, she offered to do a human interest story to get my business up and running. Knitting is still a pretty big fad here & she has a couple ideas she wants to write about (helps that she is a knitter too!) Finally some momentum here. Stalling out , being anxious and not doing anything. She is going to push me to get moving.

Got an actual phone call too today re; someone storing a boat here on the property. No deal yet, but possible. Still working with the 2 emails re; renting out a room here. Something needs to get firmed up pretty soon, so I can paste together some regular income.

Had to call my tenant for the other house again, rent wasn't in the box on the 10th like agreed....... Nor have they paid the water bill. I did get a response, they are going to handle them tomorrow. I hate having to call like this.

Listed another pile of books on it feels fruitless. Have only sold 1 out of 37 listed. Less on Amazon......0 sold there. I am only listing free to me books, so I'm not spending anything on this project....good thing too! I have no idea what sorts of things sell, so just listing blindly still. Since I don't have money out on this, I'm pricing them a bit above my shipping gas these days, but it seems like I'm coming in mid range, not too high. Would love to have a SOLD email a little more often!!

A no spend day, housekeeper was here today, but he was paid at the first of the month. So, we're clean and spiffed up for the week. Love Wednesdays!

3 Responses to “knitting hits the news here”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Stay strong with the tenants. That property is yours and you need the money.
    I'm tired of listing stuff to sell too. Did'nt really seem to be making much on ebay.
    Good luck with the knitting!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Keep an open mind....the other doors will squeek open as this one closes...You'll know it when you see it!

  3. DivaJen Says:

    Let us know what happens with the knitting, a subject I love to read and talk about.Smile

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