Home > How Come My Parents Have An Estate?

How Come My Parents Have An Estate?

April 12th, 2006 at 06:36 pm

Just what sorts of decisions DID my parents make that created a sizeable trust? After writing about inheriting the fruits of their labors, it got me to wondering about a few more things....

1) Just how did they do this??
2) Did they do without?
3) And, will I be able to do them justice, managing their estate?

I can see a few things that just "happened" in their a house being given to my dad early in the 40's. Granted, he had to leave home and come to WA state to take care of his uncle who lived alone & had just had a stroke. Not an easy task for my dad I'm sure. But, when his uncle died, the house & property were willed to my dad. A good start for sure.

When my parents married, they were both working and then there was the free & clear "gift" house. Nice. One car, Dad walked to work for 20 some years. We walked to stores & school. They gardened, canned, mom sewed, dad built us play equipment & doll furniture, we learned that if you wanted something, you learned how to make it.

It never seemed like we went without....there were kids who had more than we did, but it never really bugged me. My parents seemed normal to me, although I've since learned they were far from it. They had NO debt. None whatsoever. Paid cash for everything.

I'm hopeful I have learned enough from them both, to continue with their legacy they have built up. I don't think they started out life hoping to have enough to even need a will..........however, being frugal & creative; they managed to build a new home (again, free from debt), travel to europe, winter in Palm Springs, collect rental properties and have choices throughout thier lives that having "enough" money brings.

This topic feels very heavy to me......perhaps because I'm coming up to Easter week end, 5 years since my Dad died. Five years since I've become even more involved in moms affairs.

Hopefully, I will continue to learn from mom and always make decisions they both would respect. Here's hoping too, my mood will be a tad bit lighter after spending Easter week end at my moms! I'm not usually so introspective!

5 Responses to “How Come My Parents Have An Estate?”

  1. fern Says:

    I've always felt that as long as we keep the memories of loved ones alive in our hearts, they will always be with us as a source of comfort and inspiration.

    Each time you make a financial decision related to their estate, know that they wanted you to benefit from it and that they would be proud of the care and thought you put into sustaining what they built.

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    fern said it so're mom is undoubtedly proud of the daughter you are...and Im sure your dad is smiling as well...

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Be so happy that you have had your parents as long as you did. My father died when I was 9 and my mother when I was 33.

  4. katwoman Says:

    Your parents legacy is not just their estate but you as well. Looks like they did an outstanding job all the way around.

  5. boomeyers Says:

    Wow, your parents did an amazing job! And it sounds like you learned a lot from them, there is the legacy! What a great life it sounds like they had together. And debt free - amazing!

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