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vandals lurking in the bushes??

February 27th, 2006 at 06:05 pm

Trying to fit in a banking run between interviewing contractors again. I've got the rental check (finally) that needs to go in along with the cash for the stove. (the fridge appt. didn't happen yesterday, she said it would be today for sure----crossing fingers).

Made one call to the tenant, couldn't reach her, will try emailing the exec dir of the program, she is more responsive, but not involved in the finances. But, it is a step for me.
Haven't done any of the other contacts either re; monies owed me. Horrible on this. The most I did is locate the blog of one person, he is working now, so that is a good sign. Have 2 others to still deal with too. March goals perhaps? If the money all came in, it would be just a little over $7000, so it is worth me getting the lead out here.
The rental bit is not an increase, other than the agreement we signed included a daily late fee, which they have never paid. And, they have never paid on time. I am a lousy landlord. If I really didn't need all the monies from the rental to cover costs of the other house, I would turn this account over to a mgmt firm.
It's a no spend day here, meals are all done, thanks to the bulk cooking session yesterday. I still have some packaging to do today too; "banked" 6 meals for the freezer, in addition to the meal for tonight. Easy way to get ahead on my cooking chores..........prep while I'm already cooking one meal, if I have to be in the kitchen, I want to make my time count!
After closely monitoring my spending since joining here; I've discovered my largest expense in the loosely labeled Misc catagory is gifts for others. I really enjoy this, so don't plan to quit. I am extremely frugal with this too, shopping for best deals, etc.. And, I rarely give a Thing......but a service or experience. I have no other vices or expensive habits, so plan to continue this as it is too fun to surprise someone, or better yet, gift them anonomously.
Found out the horses that are boarding here, were let out by someone messing with my fencing. We couldn't find a break in the fence anywhere, but did find all 3 hot wires unhooked at the insulators & laid back so the horses could just walk out. I have no plan or ideas for a plan as to how to counteract this sort of nastiness. We're going to wire the spot closed, so they will need wire cutters to do the same deed again. The horses are moved to the back of the property for a week or so.......but who in the world would do this?? And, it has messed with my naive little view of my corner of the world here.... which I am totally ticked off about. I'm on a dead end street, no teenagers, 6 other homes, all but one retired couples or singles. Makes me want to move further out in the bushes!

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