Home > new territory for me

new territory for me

February 22nd, 2006 at 09:54 pm

I stepped........carefully..........into new territory. I applied for my first free gift card! All this trial offer, freebie, gift card stuff has me a little confused (happens pretty easily, I'll admit) How do people keep track of all this?? I'm tentative about doing much, as I'm sure I'll forget to call & cancel these things during the 30 day trial period. I have designated one CC just for these types of things on line, the one I pay off each maybe that will help, but I can still see 30 days zipping by and then I have a brand new something or other that I have no business buying! ACK!
Took the day to do an errand gas first & for the first time ever~ I made a note of the mileage, amount and such, with the hopes of figuring out the mileage my van gets. I've had no idea & I don't drive much, but this is one area I've paid absolutely no attention to.
I did buy $3.00 more to get my $20.00 Challenge going. Needed a hole punch and ribbon to finish off my price tags for the Antique Booth. Getting busy on this project, my things can go in March 1st! Others are making headway on their challenge & I'm going backwards!!
Also bought a refurbished freezer, to be delivered tomorrow. I've been using a loaner from them & I'm anxious to get the new-to-me one. Bigger & an upright. Also bought a cord of firewood, our wood shed isn't full yet & I've got a teenager available on Sat to stack wood......can't pass up that offer.
I still have money left from selling our wood at the other house (I wasn't going to move the firewood). Just watching for good deals & picking up a cord here & there til I use up the wood money.
And, to top off my afternoon, I treated myself to lunch out & a flat of annuals for my front porch. I usually don't buy annuals, but I'm so tired of winter & there isn't much in this new yard, this way I've got a few plants at the front door! And, when I got home, the housecleaner had finished, my home is clean and I didn't have to do it!

3 Responses to “new territory for me”

  1. Amy752 Says:

    I write the date to cancel trials right on my calendars. I keep an eye on things and cancel at least a week ahead. Be prepared for a little bit of hassle or at least them trying to sell you something when you do go to cancel. Just be firm and nice - works every time. There is a company out there that I will not deal with. Any gift card that says you have to go through to get is a rip.... You won't get your card before the trial ends (or ever) so don't even bother to waste your $1. I've had luck with all the others I've tried, and I've never forgotten to cancel. Good luck - it's fun!

  2. LittleGopher Says:

    Ha! - I had to chuckle at what you wrote about checking your gas mileage.

    Gosh, second to learning how to change a tire if I got a flat and changing my car's oil, my dad taught me to keep track of the gas mileage, as he felt it was one indicator of potential car trouble. I remember only once, back when I was a teen still at home, that my mileage did take a few miles per gallon dip, and it was because of some sort trouble that my dad repaired.

    I'm 43, and got my license on the day I turned 16. To this day, not a gas fill-up goes by without my recording the miles traveled, the gallons needed to fill, and lastly the resulting gas mileage.

    No real good reason to do it, but a pretty harmless 'I do it because my dad always did it.' My good old Dad - he'll be gone 11 years on March 1, but I have a lot of good memories. Thank you for prompting this funny memory for me.

  3. contrary1 Says:

    LittleGopher: The sad thing is MY dad did the same thing. It just didn't transfer to me!!! My dad has been gone only 5 years & I still think about him all the time! Things like this gas bit have brought back memories of him sitting by the fire in the evening, taking out a receipt and entering the info in his "log" for his vehicle. We still have all of them, back to when he had an old Pontiac in the 40's.

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